Inspired by the money flow from outside that helps keep our local economy well-oiled, I put up this blog site to discuss important Philippine events and activities that matter to what can be the most active global money remitters in the world –Filipinos abroad.
Actually, it’s more about the reasons behind these remittance activities. We’ll discover various reasons why Filipinos would want to grab opportunities in the United States or other countries instead of staying here in the Philippines with their loved ones. Why through their remittances, they want to send their love and care for those that they value the most.
We’ll also cover other areas that Filipinos outside find interesting. How technology is reinventing the local gizmo lovers here, how to better communicate with family and friends, and how to pick a good service provider, if relatives overseas need to send money home or forward a balikbayan box.
This blog site is also for the other set of frequent money remitters to the country, these are businesses in the United States who have outsourced personnel here in the Philippines. I’ll include topics on convenient ways of sending business payments online, how to pick a safe and fast online money remittance company and why it’s important that employers pick one that has high credibility.
So keep coming back and I’ll try my hardest to provide articles that Remit Pinoy website’s users will find useful. If you have an idea or a topic that you want me to feature, just leave your comments and I will see what I can do.
Again, welcome to Remit Pinoy!